Terms and Conditions

Booking conditions


The AutoOne trademark is in use by the companies Web Motor S.R.L, Automobili Plurimarche and Automobili.it. The Web Motor S.R.L. company is also linked with Surprice Car Rental. In fact, we are the only company recognized and authorized by Surprice to use their brand in Italy to offer short-term rental services, with bookings derived from the various brokerage sites with which the Surprice company collaborates. 
These conditions apply to prepaid reservations made through the Internet site (www.autoone.it), the Call Center of Web Motor S.R.L and by Surprice Car Rental.

1) Booking

Reservations made on the Landlord's website (www.autoone.it), take advantage of the special "Prepaid Online" rate and involve, at the time of booking, charging the full cost of the rental to the credit card indicated by the Client. This amount, does not include any coverages, accessories, optional extras and/or extras added when the vehicle is picked up. The reservation is refundable in the event of cancellation within 24 hours of the Date and Time indicated for pickup of the reserved car. There is no refund (even partial) in case of early return of the vehicle, nor in case of cancellation beyond 24h from the date of vehicle pickup.

2) Prepayment

"Prepayment" is an irrevocable proposal of purchase that the Customer makes in favor of Web Motor S.R.L at the time of booking the rental. Upon confirmation of the reservation, the Customer agrees to deposit as security a sum equal to the cost of the service booked. The deposited sum is retained, on account of the price, when the rental contract is signed. The amount due upon confirmation of the reservation can be paid by credit or debit card. At the time of rental, the Client must present a bank credit card in his or her name to block the security deposit. Debit cards, prepaid cards, revolving cards and ATMs are not accepted. For some special groups (J groups), a second credit card is required, as specified below in Section 7. As security for any additional charges and/or expenses and/or deductibles not included in the reservation, the rental office requires the Credit Union to block an amount as a security deposit that varies depending on the car group chosen, the location of car pickup, and/or the purchase of one or more additional services.

3) Reservation changes

The Customer may change the reservation at no charge to the Customer. In case the Customer changes relevant data of the reservation (booked car group, date/time of pickup/delivery, pickup/delivery station) the system may not guarantee the availability of the car and/or the originally booked and/or prepaid rate. If, as a result of the changes, a higher amount is owed by the Customer than previously paid, the Customer must settle the difference with a new payment. If the balance amount is less, no refund is due and the difference is retained as a penalty.

4) Cancellation of reservation

Cancellations, made up to 24 hours prior to the date and time of pickup of the reserved car and indicated in the original reservation, will be fully refunded upon notification by email to info@autoone.it.

5) Failure to introduce the client (no-show)

Should the Client fail to show up for the conclusion of the rental without having cancelled the reservation within 24 hours, he/she will be charged a penalty equal to the full amount booked and possibly prepaid upon confirmation of the reservation.

6) Delays and "out-of-hours" rentals.

Rentals at airport or railway offices. When completing the reservation, the Customer is required to indicate the flight/train number. If this information is present, the car is kept at the Customer's disposal until a maximum of 59 minutes after the flight lands or the train arrives, and in any case no later than 90 minutes after the closing time of the rental office. Rentals in city offices. The car is kept available to the Client up to a maximum of 59 minutes after the scheduled pick-up time upon notification by email to info@autoone.it.

7) Client qualification and rental

At the time of rental, the Client must be in possession of a valid identity document complete with residence details, a driver's license valid for at least one year and must present a bank credit card as guarantee in his or her name. Customers from countries outside the Schengen Area must have a valid driver's license for international use or translated by an embassy or equivalent authority and legible in Latin characters; the photo also must be accompanied by a legible ID in Latin characters. For some car groups (by way of example special cars, "premium" category cars defined as group J) the Customer may be required to show a second credit card, in which case the cards shown must compulsorily belong to two different circuits between them. The Customer is invited to consult the Special Rental Conditions to verify the number of credit cards required for each type of car. In any case, Web Motor S.R.L reserves the right at its sole discretion to decline the rental if the guarantees offered by the Customer are not deemed sufficient.  At the time of entering into the contract, the Customer must be 19 years of age or older. Drivers between the ages of 19 and 24 are required to pay the mandatory additional service "Young Driver" and are not allowed to rent cars in J categories. J groups require a minimum rental age of 25 years, with no additional service charge. In case the Customer does not meet the qualification requirements, including in particular:

  • Does not possess a complete identity document with residence details;
  • Does not have a credit card in his name;
  • provide a credit card without the sufficient ceiling to cover the security deposit;
  • Has not held a valid driver's license for at least one year;
  • Has not turned 19 years of age or booked a car group not allowed for "Youth Drivers."
  • refuses to provide his or her on-call information; no refund related to the reservation will be due to him or her and any amount prepaid will be retained as a penalty. The amount prepaid by the customer upon confirmation of the reservation
  • except as stated in item 4) is non-refundable. Therefore, any change requested by the Client to the rental agreement that results in a lower amount than the prepaid amount does not entitle the Client to any refund. For anything not expressly provided for in this document, the General Rental Terms and Conditions and the Special Rental Terms and Conditions shall apply.

General terms and conditions for rental

The rental of vehicles by the company AutoOne or its affiliates or dealers (hereinafter, the "Lessor"), is governed by these general conditions of rental, including information on privacy (hereinafter, the "GENERAL RENTAL CONDITIONS"), the letter / rental agreement signed by the customer (hereinafter, the "Client") at the time of rental, the AutoOne Price List in force at the time of signing the same letter / rental agreement, viewed by the Client, who declares to have taken full and complete knowledge (hereinafter, collectively, the "contractual documentation" or the "contract").

ART. 1 (The Client - Requirements).
  • 1. Both the Client and each driver authorized to drive the vehicle identified in the rental letter/contract must comply with the identification and qualification formalities required by the Lessor. Each driver of the Vehicle undertakes not to provide false information regarding his personal details and the possession of all the requisites for the authorization to drive.
  • 2. Both the Client and each authorized driver must be between 19 and 80 years of age. A bank credit card is required for the rental of the Vehicle.
  • 3. In any case, the Lessor has the right to refuse the conclusion of the rental agreement at his free and unquestionable discretion, without having to give any reason to the Lessee.
ART. 2 (Driving of the vehicle).

Both the Client and the driver must be in possession of a valid driving license for the rented vehicle, issued at least 12 months ago. People under 25 years of age are allowed to drive the rented vehicle with the application of a daily supplement in relation to certain categories of vehicles identified by the Lessor according to the age range. This supplement shall be applied to the extent indicated in the Price List.

ART. 3 (Modalities and times of Booking and payment of the rental)
  • 1. The payment of the rental is made with the main credit cards, ATM cards and by bank transfer. The payment of the rental fee must be made at the same time as the customer collects the vehicle.
  • 2. For rentals of more than 30 days, the rental fee must be paid every 30 days or on the first day of the new month. In case of early return of the vehicle, the rental fee will be refunded at the same time as the return. Reservations are accepted only on the basis of the category of the Vehicle to which the one selected by the Client belongs; model preferences are subject to the availability of the Lessor and cannot be guaranteed at the time of reservation. In case of unavailability of the booked Vehicle, the Lessor reserves the right to replace it with another of the same or higher category; in case of unavailability of the latter, the replacement will take place with a vehicle of a lower category, with consequent recalculation of the rate. In case of unavailability of a replacement vehicle, or in case of opposition of the Client to accept the lower category vehicle proposed by the Lessor as a replacement, the Lessor shall refund the amount paid by the Client on the credit card used for the payment of the booked vehicle, the Lessor's only obligation shall be to refund all the amounts paid by the Client up to that moment or charged to the Client for the rental of the vehicle. The refund will be made by crediting the amount paid by the Client to the credit card used for the payment.
  • 3. Any changes requested by the Client regarding a rental booked with a "Non Prepaid" rate are subject to availability and must be agreed upon in advance by telephone with the Lessor.
  • 4. The bookings made on the website of the Lessor, benefit from the special rate "Prepaid Online" and involve, at the time of the booking, the charging of the entire cost of the rental to the credit card indicated by the Client. This amount, retained as a deposit, is not refundable in the event of cancellation, nor in the event of changes to the details indicated by the Client at the time of booking (dates, name, type of Vehicle, etc.), nor in the event of early return of the Vehicle. Cancellations made within 24 hours before the pick-up indicated in the original booking will be fully refunded, subject to notification by email.
  • 5. At the time of booking or when signing the Contract, the Client undertakes to present his credit card to the Lessor who will note the credit card number and expiry date and charge the deposit according to the criteria set forth in the Autoone Price List. The Client, by signing the Contract, also authorizes the Lessor to charge the credit card presented with the amounts corresponding to the rental fees in full (e.g.: excess kilometers, extra days, etc.), damages found at the drop off, deductibles and damages that may be found after the return of the Vehicle (e.g.: dent not detected because the return was made in the evening, handling fees, fines, motorway tolls, etc.).
  • 6. The Lessor is entitled to ask the Client for a different deposit of the credit card or to supplement the same with another guarantee. This possible additional deposit, which will not be counted in the Client's rent account and which will not bear any interest, will be returned upon termination for any reason of the lease, minus any debts the Client may owe the Lessor.
ART. 4 (RCA insurance Guarantee).
  • 1.The Lessor has taken steps to insure the rented vehicle with the following insurance policies - single maximum civil liability , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
  • 2. The Client undertakes not to make any statements of liability and/or uncertainties regarding the dynamics of the accident under any circumstances. The Client also undertakes to provide the utmost cooperation to the Lessor and his insurers in all disputes arising from the use of the rented vehicle.
  • 3. The Lessor reserves the right to claim against the client in the following cases:
    • 1. if the insurance coverage becomes inoperative in the event that the client has directly or indirectly caused the claim;
    • 2. for the reimbursement of uncovered amounts not covered by the insurance beyond the maximum limits. In this respect, the client accepts any risk personally, being aware that he is solely responsible for the rented vehicle.
  • 4. All damages of any kind and entity must be reported to the lessor in writing within 24 hours. In the event of a violation of this provision, the client will be liable for all damages resulting from the omission or delay of the report.
  • 5. Under no circumstances will the lessor be liable for additional objects, goods or accessories contained in the vehicle, or otherwise transported by the vehicle.
  • 6. The Client is aware that the security deposit pre-authorized on his credit cards will only be returned once it has been ascertained whether or not he is liable, and if so, any amounts to be deducted. In the event that the deposit is insufficient, the part not covered by the deposit will be charged to the credit card or in any case must be refunded to the Lessor.
  • 7. Damages caused by natural phenomena including damages caused by rainwater and/or other atmospheric events of any kind are excluded from any coverage signed in the contract phase, and therefore the customer's responsibility.
  • 8. Damages caused by socio-political events, i.e. material and direct damages suffered by the insured car following vandalism, riots, strikes, riots, sabotage, riots or popular uprisings, are excluded from any coverage signed in the contract phase, and therefore the customer's responsibility.
  • 9. Release of the preauthorized deposit is automatic and occurs within a maximum of 21 business days, depending on the credit card circuit.
ART. 5 (Refueling).

The Client is obliged to return the vehicle with the same amount of fuel as at the beginning of the rental period, unless he has purchased the "Full Prepaid" option in the Autoone Price List. In the event that the Client fails to refuel, the Lessor will charge the Client for the cost of the "refueling" service indicated in the Autoone Price List and for the missing litres of fuel.

ART. 6 (Use of the vehicle).
  • 1. The Client undertakes to keep and use the Vehicle with the best care and diligence, in observance of the destination and characteristics indicated in the registration certificate and within the limits provided for by law, as well as (i) not to sublease or rent the Vehicle; (ii) not to entrust the driving of the Vehicle to anyone other than those authorized in the rental letter/contract; (iii) not to carry out any repair work on the rented Vehicle without the written consent of the Lessor and/or without complying with its instructions; (iv) to immediately inform the Lessor of any breakdown or anomaly of the Vehicle, stopping the circulation of the same and referring to the Lessor's instructions regarding the possible replacement or return of the Vehicle; (v) to refuel the Vehicle using the correct fuel, also by diligently maintaining it, checking the level of liquids and topping up as necessary. It should also be noted that the vehicles are supplied with the fuel used on average in the areas where they are in the garage, so in cases where it is useful to provide for the refilling of antifreeze is the sole obligation of the customer to provide it; Autoone will be fully relieved for any problems or damage caused in this case, since it will be considered negligence of the conductor and his sole responsibility in the execution of the contract. In this regard, being negligence, any damage to the vehicle will be charged in full to the customer, due to total forfeiture of any protection subscribed or original deductible damage when booking, necessary, the appropriate topping up; (vi) not to drive the Vehicle if the tires do not have the prescribed pressure, and to have the maintenance and use conditions of the same checked, assuming all and any responsibility in the event of failure to comply with this obligation; (vii) not to drive the Vehicle under the influence of drugs, narcotics, alcohol or intoxicants or other substances capable of impairing the ability to understand and react; (viii) to take care of the Vehicle with the diligence of a good father, activating all existing safety devices, avoiding leaving in evidence devices or valuables inside the passenger compartment and, in general, doing everything necessary to ensure the best security of the property of the Lessor; (ix) not to circulate the vehicle in countries other than those expressly indicated in the rental letter/contract, unless expressly authorized in writing by the Lessor; to this end, the "green card" (international certificate of insurance), delivered together with the documents accompanying the vehicle, does not constitute authorization in this sense, but rather completion of the documents; in the event of transit through countries where the Client has undertaken not to circulate the vehicle, the insurance coverage and the covenants of limitation and exclusion of its liability shall no longer be effective and any cost that the Lessor may incur due to the failure to comply with the undertaking made shall be borne by the Client, who shall indemnify it; (x) not to use the Vehicle for the transport of contraband, explosive material, pollutants or for any other transport in violation of laws or regulations; (xi) not to use the Vehicle for competitions of any kind, sporting or otherwise, or for testing of routes, even on motor circuits, as well as for giving driving lessons or practicing the same (xii) not to use the Vehicle on bumpy roads or roads unsuitable for the technical characteristics of the same; (xiii) not to use the Vehicle to push or tow another motor vehicle or trailer; (xiv) not to use the Vehicle for any other use in violation of laws or regulations, even if not expressly mentioned in this article; (xv) to promptly inform the Lessor of any report that may be notified to him by any Authority and with reference to the Vehicle during the period in which he rented it.
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
    • , con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 
  • 2. In case of violation of the rules stated in the previous points, the Client is liable towards the Lessor for any damage and theft of the vehicle with the right of the Lessor to proceed with the immediate charge. Likewise, the Client forfeits any additional coverage stipulated with the Lessor. The Lessor also reserves the right/ faculty to immediately terminate the contract, taking back the possession of the vehicle in any place and time. Even in such a case, the Client shall continue to bear the agreed fee for the entire duration of the rental period, the extra fee foreseen in the general conditions for the additional driver, the cost of the technical stoppage of the vehicle as well as the cost for its collection, and this also as a penalty for both damage and loss of profit.
  • 3. SMOKING PROHIBITED inside of the vehicle
  • 4. Our cars will be supplied with corporate branding, located on the bodywork. The customer immediately accepts this condition and undertakes not to remove them for the entire duration of the rental. In the return phase, in case of removal of the same; the company reserves the right to charge a (one-off) penalty of € 50.
ART. 7 (Vehicle delivery and return)
  • 1. The replacement of the Vehicle is included in the rental fee except in the case of breakdowns due to the Client's own fault, or to the Client's fraud or negligence.
  • 2. In the event of failure to return the documents accompanying the Vehicle and/or the license plate, the Client agrees to pay, as a penalty, an amount equal to the "Standard" daily rental rate for each day necessary until the duplication of the same, except for the compensation of the relative damages.
  • 3. In the event of failure to return the keys of the Vehicle, for whatever reason, and even if the Vehicle has been returned, the Customer is required to pay as a penalty an amount equal to the "Standard" rate of daily rental of the Vehicle for each day of delay until the return of the same, or upon presentation of the original report of loss or theft made to the competent authorities, increased by an amount indicated in the Autoone Price List, without prejudice to greater damages.
  • 4. In the event of failure to return or damage to the standard and additional accessories of the Vehicle, for whatever reason, the Customer is required to pay, as a penalty, a sum whose amount is indicated in the Autoone Price List, except for the greater damage.
  • 5. Any claim or complaint against the Lessor in relation to the rental made shall be submitted no later than 8 days from the date of return of the vehicle.
  • 6. The Lessor delivers the Vehicle to the Client, complete with all the accessories required by law and all the necessary documentation for circulation. With the delivery of the Vehicle the Client acknowledges that the Vehicle, with the equipment, tools and all accessories delivered to him by the Lessor, is in verified mechanical functioning conditions, in good general condition and conforms to the agreed use.
  • 7. The Client agrees to return the Vehicle, together with its accessories and documents, free of things or goods, in compliance with the times and places indicated in the rental letter/contract, in the same conditions in which it was delivered, including cleaning, except for wear proportionate to the duration of the rental period and the mileage travelled.
  • 8. At the time of return, the Client must verify, in discussion with the Lessor, the state of the Vehicle, ascertaining and signing any discrepancies with what was indicated in the rental letter/contract at the time of delivery. The contents of the report of redelivery shall be full proof between the parties. In the event of failure to jointly check, the Client expressly authorizes the Lessor to charge the Lessor for any damages found on the Vehicle even after delivery.
  • 9. In the event of failure to return the Vehicle within the time indicated in the rental letter/contract (i.e. after 30 minutes beyond the time limit established therein for return), the Client undertakes to pay, as a penalty, an amount equal to the "Standard" daily rental rate of the Vehicle for each day of delay until return, without prejudice in any case to greater damages, unless a written authorization has been issued by the Lessor to continue the rental. In this case, up to the end of the authorized period, the previously agreed rate shall be due; after this period, the aforementioned penalty shall be applied again. For rates subject to time limits (e.g. weekends, holidays), once the tolerance time has elapsed, the possibility of applying such rates shall lapse and the entire rental shall be charged at the "Standard" daily rental rate.
  • 10. In the event of failure to return the Vehicle at the place indicated in the rental letter/contract, but in any case, at the Lessor's Agency, the fees set forth therein for the "ONEWAY service" shall apply. The Customer, in any case, undertakes to pay as a penalty the amount indicated in the AutoOne Tariff. The Vehicle must be returned during the opening hours of the Agency where it was taken over, or, at the request of the Client, at another Agency of the Lessor. In the case of delivery outside the opening hours of the Agency, the rental is considered completed during the reopening hours of the same, provided that the vehicle was actually taken over by the Agency – both for the purposes of determining the fee, and to those of the liability associated with the possession of the vehicle (by way of example, in relation to fines, damage, theft and / or total or partial fire).
  • 11. In case of breakdown or simple request by the Lessor, the Vehicle must be returned by the Client to any of the Lessor's Agencies that will provide for its replacement subject to availability, without any charge to the Lessor and without prejudice to the Lessor's right Lessor's right, at its unquestionable discretion, not to grant a replacement Vehicle in case of insolvency, theft, fire or serious accident of the rented Vehicle. Any replacement will be made, as a rule, with a Vehicle of the same category; in case of unavailability, a Vehicle of a lower or higher category may be delivered to the Client, applying the reductions and surcharges provided for in the manner indicated in the Autoone Price List.
ART. 8 (Client Responsibilities).
  • 1. The Client undertakes not to use the vehicle in violation of laws and/or regulations of the State. Furthermore, he/she undertakes, with this agreement, to relieve the Lessor from any civil and criminal responsibility deriving from infringements, seizures, penalties, irregular use and conditions of the rented vehicle,the latter if not attributable to the Lessor himself/herself.
  • 2. In particular, the Lessor is exempt from any responsibility or risk concerning the loss or damage to persons or things deriving from the use of the rented vehicle and the Client agrees to indemnify the same from any claim, action or demand of third parties deriving from or connected to the use of the rented vehicle. The Client undertakes to reimburse the Lessor for the amount paid in advance, as well as for all administrative costs incurred.
  • 3. In any case the vehicle is banned from circulation due to causes attributable either directly or indirectly to the Client, the Client shall continue to pay the rental fee until the normal authorization to circulate the vehicle is restored.
  • 4. In case of theft, fire, robbery or damage of the rented vehicle, the Client is obliged to pay the deductibles indicated in the rental agreement, unless the Client subscribes to reductions or cancellations of the deductibles that may be offered and described in the Lessor's special conditions
    5. The ordinary and extraordinary maintenance necessary for the proper functioning of the vehicle will be provided exclusively by the Lessor. The rental fee does not include damage to: (i) the interior of the vehicle; (ii) the wheels and tires; (iii) resulting from neglect and / or improper use of the vehicle; (iv) the roof and underbody; (v) caused by failure to assess the height and width of the vehicle and objects protruding or overhanging the roof; (vi) the clutch kit due to so-called overrevving of the engine; (vii) all damage caused by violation of the provisions on the use of the vehicle provided for in the previous Art. 6.
  • 6. The Customer is required to pay any fine imposed on the rented vehicle, motorway tolls and charges of any nature arising from parking during the rental period and to reimburse the Lessor for any third- party charges. Furthermore, in the event of an infringement and/or sanction arising from the cases reported above, the Customer will be entitled to reimbursement of notification costs, equal to €10.00 i.e., and reimbursement of administrative management costs deriving from the specific communications to be carried out. , equal to €15.00 i.e.
  • 7. In case of notification of tax bills for non-payment of fines committed to the violation of the Vehicle's traffic regulations, the Lessor will charge the Client the amount of the bills, plus the administrative costs of the file management.
  • 8. At the time of return, the Client must verify, in discussion with the Lessor, the state of the Vehicle, ascertaining and signing any discrepancies with what was indicated in the rental letter/contract at the time of delivery. The contents of the report of redelivery shall be full proof between the parties. In the event of failure to jointly check, the Client expressly authorizes the Lessor to charge the Lessor for any damages found on the Vehicle even after delivery.
  • 9. Web Motor S.R.L, with registered office at Via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, to the submission of the communication referred to in Article 94, paragraph 4- bis, c.d.s. and 247-bis of Presidential Decree No. 495/1992 through a motor vehicle consulting firm, for the purpose of updating the National Vehicle Register (ANV). The proxy shall be deemed effective in relation to all vehicles registered in the name of or leased on behalf of Webmotor srl, as of the date of receipt of the following proxy, until its possible revocation.
ART. 9 (Theft and Robbery)
  • 1. In the event of theft or robbery, the Client undertakes to immediately notify the Lessor and report to the competent authorities. The Client is also obliged to provide the Lessor with the following documents: (i) the original or certified copy of the report; (ii) the keys to the vehicle (except in the case of robbery); (iii) the keys to the installed security system (except in the case of robbery); (iv) more generally any other document of the vehicle that may remain in its possession, all as soon as possible and in any case no later than 24 hours after the event.
  • 2. Failure to return to the Lessor all the keys to the vehicle and any anti-theft device, except in the case of robbery and except in the sole case, to be documented with the delivery of the receipt, of parking the vehicle in an authorized car park with delivery of the keys without insertion of the antitheft device, shall constitute a violation of the rules on the use of the vehicle as per article 6. In this case, therefore, the customer will be charged, as a penalty, an amount equal to the commercial value of the vehicle at the time of theft, with reference to QuattroRuote quotations.
  • 3. The Customer accepts, declaring that he/she is aware of this, that even in the event of theft and robbery and regardless of compliance with the obligations referred to in points 1 and 2 above, the authorization to draw on his/her credit cards shall be returned to him/her only once the responsibilities have been officially ascertained and any amounts to be deducted.
  • 4. In addition, the Client assumes any risk inherent in or even linked to the theft or robbery of the vehicle, being aware that he/she is solely responsible for its custody and circulation, having use and possession of it. Therefore, any uncovered amounts and deductibles not paid to the insurer shall be borne exclusively by the Client.
  • 5. The Lessor has the right to claim against the Client in connection with the provisions of the preceding points: (i) if the insurance coverage becomes inoperative due to the Client directly or indirectly causing or facilitating the theft or robbery; (ii) for the reimbursement of uncovered amounts and deductibles not covered by the Insurance.
ART. 10 (Charges).

The Client is obliged to pay to the Lessor: (i) the rental fee, determined according to the criteria defined in the Autoone Price List and published on the website and in the information documents at Autoone offices, as well as defined in the agreements with third parties; it should be noted that in the case of rentals concluded through tour operators, travel agencies or brokers, the Client remains jointly and severally obliged with them towards the Lessor to pay the amounts due under the rental relationship; (ii) the reimbursement of expenses incurred for the recovery of the Vehicle not returned to the agreed location for any reason whatsoever; (iii) any other sum due on the basis of what is set forth in the preceding articles (including, by way of example and not limited to: refueling service, drop-off service, substitutions, out-of-hours service, surcharges, penalties, compensation and indemnities, as well as any possible difference deriving from the use of a different service than the one budgeted). The Customer's personal data will be processed in order to: (i) provide the rental services and (ii) evaluate whether to provide rental services in the future. The Lessor will provide the Customer's personal data, in accordance with applicable law and if necessary, subject to the Customer's express consent, to: a) companies or entities related to Autoone, by virtue of collaboration, partnership, affiliation, agency, or other, limited to what is necessary for the provision of the rental services and for making the reservation; b) Supervisory Authorities/Local Authorities and companies in charge of the management of car parks if such information is necessary for the performance of the service and within the limits provided by the regulations in force, or in order to verify the validity of the Client's driving license; c) third parties acting on behalf of the Lessor in the management of disputes, credit recovery and the processing of surveys among the Clients, which the Lessor uses to improve its services. The Customer has the right to access his/her personal information held by the Lessor (also for a fee if permitted by law) and may request to limit, modify, block or remove any personal information in all cases provided for by law, as stated in the "Privacy Policy" on Autoone services. The data controller is the provider of the rental service, as also reported in the aforementioned "Privacy Policy".

ART. 11 (Processing of personal data).
  • 1. Pursuant to art. 1456 of the Italian Civil Code, the Lessor reserves the right to terminate the rental agreement in the following cases (i) when the Client has caused serious damage to the vehicle such as to preclude the safety of the same; (ii) when the cost of repairing the damage to the vehicle, at the discretion of the Lessor, is equal to or greater than 50% of its commercial value according to QuattroRuote magazine; (iii) when the Client has violated even only one of the clauses of the rental letter/contract and of these general conditions.
  • 2. In case of exercise of the right of termination by the Lessor, the Client, therefore upon simple request by the former, shall immediately cease using the vehicle and return it to the Lessor's premises or to another place expressly indicated by the latter.
  • 3. The exercise of the right of termination by the Lessor does not release the Client from the obligation to pay the agreed rentals until the end of the rental period. Therefore, the rentals already advanced shall not be reimbursed by the Lessor, and those still to be collected shall be charged to the Client, both as irreducible penalties, without prejudice to the compensation of the greater damage suffered by the Lessor. In addition to these fees.
  • 4. For its part, the Client shall be entitled to early termination if the Lessor is involved in the following events: (i) petition for bankruptcy; (ii) proposal for arrangement with creditors; (iii) submission of the controlling shareholders or administrators to precautionary measures; (iv) revocation of the authorizations for the rental operation. In such cases, the Client shall only pay the agreed rental fees accrued during the rental period actually enjoyed and up to the time of return of the vehicle. Any right of the Client to compensation for damages for the period of non-use of the service is excluded, as the Client expressly renounces this right.
ART. 12 (Termination Clause).
  • 1. In case of theft or robbery, the Client undertakes to immediately report to the Lessor and to report to the competent authorities. The Client is also obliged to deliver the following documents to the Lessor: (i) original or certified copy of the report; (ii) keys to the vehicle (except in the case of robbery); (iii) keys to the installed anti-theft device (except in the case of robbery); (iv) more generally any other document of the vehicle that may remain in his possession, all as soon as possible and in any case no later than 24 hours after the event.
  • 2. Failure to return to the Lessor all the keys to the vehicle and any anti-theft device, except in the case of robbery and except in the sole case, to be documented with the delivery of the receipt, of parking the vehicle in an authorized car park with delivery of the keys without insertion of the antitheft device, shall constitute a violation of the rules on the use of the vehicle as per article 6. In this case, therefore, the customer will be charged, as a penalty, an amount equal to the commercial value of the vehicle at the time of the theft, with reference to QuattroRuote quotations.
  • 3. The Customer accepts, declaring himself aware of this, that even in the case of theft and robbery and independently of the respect of the obligations as per points 1 and 2 above, the authorization to draw on his credit cards will be returned to him only once the responsibilities have been officially ascertained and any amounts to be deducted.
  • 4. The Client also assumes any risk inherent in or even related to the theft or robbery of the vehicle, being aware that he/she is solely responsible for its custody and circulation, having the use and possession of it. Therefore, uncovered amounts and deductibles not paid to the Insurer shall be borne exclusively by the Client
  • 5. With regard to the previous points, the Lessor has the right to claim against the Client: (i) if the insurance coverage becomes inoperative due to the Client having directly or indirectly determined or facilitated the theft or robbery; (ii) for the reimbursement of uncovered amounts and deductibles not covered by the Insurance.
ART. 13 (Applicable law and jurisdiction)

The rental contract undersigned by the parties shall be governed exclusively by Italian law. Any legal dispute arising out of the validity, interpretation, execution or termination of this agreement shall be settled exclusively by the Court of Salerno.

ART. 14 (Translation)

In case of doubts or differences in interpretation the Italian version shall prevail over the English version.

ART. 15 (Interpretation)

If one of the provisions of the rental letter/contract and these general conditions is considered to be invalid or ineffective, in whole or in part, the same will be misapplied and the contract will remain valid and effective for the other provisions.

ART. 16 (Use of satellite devices)

The Client expressly consents to the use of satellite devices capable of detecting and tracking at any time the location of the rented vehicle. The Client expressly consents to the use of satellite devices capable of detecting and tracking the location of the rented vehicle at any time, in accordance with what is stated in the Privacy Policy. He declares to be aware that such data may be communicated to Judicial Authorities, Law Firms, Companies specialized in the prevention and management of theft or accidents and Insurance companies. It authorizes the Lessor to use the contents for any action in defense of its rights.

ART. 17 (Car Accidents)

In the event of an accident, the client is obliged to promptly communicate by telephone the event or circumstances that could lead the vehicle to an accident, without any delay, sending an e- mail with a brief description of the accident to the mail address: sinistri@autoone.it The customer is also obliged to report the claim at the check-in stage, delivering a copy of the friendly report form (CID) and/or of the relative a copy of the report of the police intervention, if any. In the event of the vehicle being returned at times when staff are not present, the customer undertakes to leave a copy of the Driver's Manual and any report inside the vehicle (on the right front passenger seat). In all cases where the client violates the communication obligations arising from this article, any complaints In all cases in which you breach the reporting obligations arising from this article, any subsequent disputes will be dealt with directly by our legal department. Please note that the CAI form does not exclude the client's liability as long as the insurance company concerned, determine the nature of the accident. The company will keep the sums corresponding to the damages occurred, until the company determines the nature of the accident.

ART. 18 (Communications).

Eventuali comunicazioni del Cliente devono essere inviati tassativamente, a mezzo pec, o raccomandata con avviso di ricevimento, o fax ai seguenti indirizzi: webmotorsrl@legamail.it; raccomandata a.r. Web Motor S.R.L Srl via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno; Le comunicazioni saranno considerate ricevute alla data indicata sull'avviso di consegna della pec, o di ricevimento della raccomandata. DELEGA Il sottoscritto, ai sensi dell'art. 47 D.P.R. n. 445/2000, consapevole delle sanzioni penali ed amministrative previste in caso di dichiarazioni false, sotto la sua responsabilità, in qualità di locatario del veicolo delega il Locatore, Web Motor S.R.L srl codice fiscale 08470791214, con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca  08470791214, con sede legale in via S. Leonardo 259, 84121 Salerno, alla presentazione della comunicazione di cui agli art. 94, comma 4- bis, c.d.s. e 247-bis del D.P.R. n. 495/1992 per tramite di uno studio di consulenza automobilistica, ai fini dell'aggiornamento dell'Archivio Nazionale dei Veicoli (ANV). La delega si ritiene efficace in relazione a tutti i veicoli intestati o locati in nome e per conto della Web Motor S.R.L., a decorrere dalla data di ricezione della seguente delega, fino alla sua eventuale revoca 


Damage valuation table : 

T&C Insurance and coverage: